Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tangent Jamboree #15: One man’s trash is another man’s …well its still trash

As my grandmother used to say:
“Always end on a gynecological joke”


  1. A-
    Was I supposed to grade this?
    It would have been an 'A' or 'A+', but I never cared much for Mathew Perry.
    This reminds me of MySpace, but I don't think it is.

    1. how you can tell this isn’t MySpace:

      1. On Myspace I did one of these every 3 months. Now I do one every 3 years

      2. Myspace never sold ad space or your info to the Russians. Tom was a true patriot.

      Thank you for the stellar grade. I’ll try to remember not to include any Matthew Perry in the 2023 blog

  2. Since you brought it up......David Bowie's pants though!
