Sunday, February 6, 2011

Put on the Ewok costume. I got company coming over.

Put on the Ewok costume. I got company coming over.


originally posted Mar 3 , 2007

I have no new stories so here's an old one. It's the cutest story about felony abduction ever.
I was set up at Adventure Con in Knoxville TN a few years ago. One of the guests was Felix Silla. He played Cousin It and Twiki in the Buck Rodgers Tv Show. But his biggest credit is that of the Glider Pilot Ewok in Return of the Jedi.

I was walking out of the main hall and Felix was trying to open the door. These are like the kind at a school gymnasium except twice as big. And he couldn't get it open. I walked up and pushed the bar for him. He thanked me and asked if I knew where the restroom was. I was going to the snack bar and said to follow me it was on the way.

As we walked towards the entryway of the building I noticed they had that darken film that clings to the bay windows to block the sun. With the bright lights it acted like a full length mirror. Now I never think of myself as being tall but staring at the reflection of myself and the barely over 3ft tall Felix it was hard to think of us as the same species. I've never felt more like a giant freak.

Even though I love Star Wars, I'm not a big collector of Star wars collectables. Then it dawned on me that I could just pick this guy up tuck him underneath my denim shirt and walk right out of the place. I could keep him in a glass case in my living room, and sprinkle dry cereal at the top like a feeding a fish.
When someone says that they have a first series Ewok action figure I can say I have an actual Ewok.

But I realized keeping an Ewok is just too big of a responsibility for me.
Yub Nub

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